Cake Decorating Books For the Beginner

I have always enjoyed watching the cake decorating challenges on TLC, the talent these individuals have is amazing. I realized though that all of these contestants had to be a beginner cake decorator at one time or another. A few years ago I decided I too would like to learn how to decorate cakes, but since I live in a smaller city we did not have any classes nearby. I decided I would try to teach myself how to decorate a cake with the help of cake decorating books.

The key to buying a good cake decorating book if you are just beginning your new hobby is to find the right one. There are so many cake decorating books available that is can become overwhelming. I am going to try and make it a little less overwhelming for you. I have reviewed many cake decorating books, which I will discuss in further detail, and tell you which ones I liked the best, and why.
If you have looked at any cake decorating supplies in your local stores, you have most likely seen the Wilton products. The Wilton company is a large company which is located in Woodridge Illinois. They make all kinds of cake decorating tools and supplies, and they even publish books. My favorite books for learning the basics are the Wilton books, I liked these the most because they are very easy to understand even for the person that has never baked a cake before. The three books I am going to be telling you about are, Course I Discover Cake Decorating, Course II Flowers and Borders, and finally Course III Fondant and Tiered Cakes.
The book, Course I Discover Cake Decorating is an excellent book for the learning the basic techniques that you will need so that you can advance to the more advanced techniques. The course I book starts out by walking you through the steps of baking a cake that will be a good canvas for decorating, including how to make the cake bake flat, rather than having that round mound on the top. It also talks about what types of frosting to use for the different decorating aspects. This is a great book for anyone that wants to learn the basics.
The second book Course II Flowers and Borders, builds on the skills you learned from the Course I book. It focuses on the different types of flowers and borders you can make and what types of tools you will need to make these different flowers and borders. Like everything practice will be necessary, but you first need to know the techniques of making these decorations.
The third book Course III talks about using fondant and making tiered cakes, which are multi-level cakes, much like the cakes you have probably seen at weddings. This was my favorite book of the series, mainly because you can make some really smooth cakes by using fondant.
If you are someone that wants to learn the basics, but don't know where to start, I would highly recommend the Wilton cake decorating books, you will get a lot of helpful information but won't have to spend much money on them. I was even able to create a cake for my sister's wedding, by using the information I learned in these books.

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